Including ECR Credential Provider

Starting with Kuberentes v1.27 the cloud credential providers are no longer included in-tree and need to be included as external binaries and referenced by the Kubelet.

To do this with image-builder you enable the use of ecr-credential-provider by setting the ecr_credential_provider packer variable to true.

Once enabled, the ecr-credential-provider binary will be downloaded, a CredentialProviderConfig config will be created, and the kubelet flags will be updated to reference both of these.

In most setups, this should be all that is needed but the following vars can be set to override various properties:

ecr_credential_provider_version“v1.31.0”The release version of cloud-provider-aws to use
ecr_credential_provider_os“linux”The operating system
ecr_credential_provider_arch“amd64”The architecture
ecr_credential_provider_base_url“”The base URL of where to get the binary from
ecr_credential_provider_install_dir“/opt/bin”The location to install the binary into
ecr_credential_provider_binary_filename“ecr-credential-provider”The filename to use for the downloaded binary
ecr_credential_provider_match_images[“”, “”]An array of globs to use for matching images that should use the credential provider. (If using gov-cloud you may need to change this)
ecr_credential_provider_aws_profile“default”The AWS profile to use with the credential provider