Building CAPI Images for IBMCLOUD (CAPIBM)


Prerequisites for PowerVS Machine Image

  • An IBM Cloud account
  • PowerVS Service Instance
  • Cloud Object Storage

Building Images

The build prerequisites for using image-builder for building PowerVS images are managed by running:

$ git clone
$ cd image-builder/images/capi/
$ make deps-powervs

From the images/capi directory, run make build-powervs-centos-8. The image is built and uploaded to your bucket capibm-powervs-{BUILD_NAME}-{KUBERNETES_VERSION}-{BUILD_TIMESTAMP}.

Note: Fill the required fields which are listed here in a json file and pass it to the PACKER_VAR_FILES environment variable while building the image.

For building a centos-streams8 based CAPI image, run the following commands -

$ ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa" PACKER_VAR_FILES=variables.json make build-powervs-centos-8


In addition to the configuration found in images/capi/packer/config, the powervs directory includes several JSON files that define the default configuration for the different operating systems.

centos-8.jsonThe settings for the CentOS 8 image
centos-9.jsonThe settings for the CentOS 8 image

Common PowerVS options

This table lists several common options that a user may want to set via PACKER_VAR_FILES to customize their build behavior.

account_idIBM Cloud account id.""
apikeyIBM Cloud API key.""
capture_cos_access_keyThe Cloud Object Storage access key.""
capture_cos_bucketThe Cloud Object Storage bucket to upload the image within.""
capture_cos_regionThe Cloud Object Storage region to upload the image within.""
capture_cos_secret_keyThe Cloud Object Storage secret key.""
key_pair_nameThe name of the SSH key pair provided to the server for authenticating users (looked up in the tenant’s list of keys).""
regionThe PowerVS service instance region to build the image within.""
service_instance_idThe PowerVS service instance id to build the image within.""
ssh_private_key_fileThe absolute path to the SSH key file.""
zoneThe PowerVS service instance zone to build the image within.""
dhcp_networkThe PowerVS image with DHCP support.false

The parameters can be set via a variable file and passed via PACKER_VAR_FILES. See Customization for examples.


  1. When setting dhcp_network: true, you need to build an OS image with certain network settings using pvsadm tool and replace the fields with the custom image details.
  2. Clone the image-builder repo and run make build commands from a system where the DHCP private IP can be reached and SSH able.



The image is built using KVM hypervisor.

Prerequisites for VPC Machine Image

Installing packages to use qemu-img

Execute the following command to install qemu-kvm and other packages if you are running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

$ sudo -i
# apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin qemu-utils

If you’re on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, then execute the following command to install qemu-kvm packages.

$ sudo -i
# apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients virtinst cpu-checker libguestfs-tools libosinfo-bin

Adding your user to the kvm group

$ sudo usermod -a -G kvm <yourusername>
$ sudo chown root:kvm /dev/kvm

Then exit and log back in to make the change take place.

Building Images

The build prerequisites for using image-builder for building VPC images are managed by running:

cd image-builder/images/capi
make deps-qemu

From the images/capi directory, run make build-qemu-ubuntu-xxxx. The image is built and located in images/capi/output/{BUILD_NAME}-kube-{KUBERNETES_VERSION}. Please replace xxxx with 1804 or 2004 depending on the version you want to build the image for.

For building a ubuntu-2004 based CAPI image, run the following commands -

$ git clone
$ cd image-builder/images/capi/
$ make build-qemu-ubuntu-2004

Customizing Build

User may want to customize their build behavior. The parameters can be set via a variable file and passed via PACKER_VAR_FILES. See Customization for examples.