Building Images for DigitalOcean

Prerequisites for DigitalOcean

  • A DigitalOcean account
  • The DigitalOcean CLI (doctl) installed and configured
  • Set an environment variable for your DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN

Building Images

The build prerequisites for using image-builder for building Digital Ocean images are managed by running:

make deps-do

From the images/capi directory, run make build-do-<OS> where <OS> is the desired operating system. The available choices are listed via make help.


In addition to the configuration found in images/capi/packer/config, the digitalocean directory includes several JSON files that define the default configuration for the different operating systems.

centos-7.jsonThe settings for the CentOS 7 image
ubuntu-2004.jsonThe settings for the Ubuntu 20.04 image
ubuntu-2204.jsonThe settings for the Ubuntu 22.04 image
ubuntu-2404.jsonThe settings for the Ubuntu 24.04 image